TRUSSCOVER SYSTEM™ In addition to Trusswraps™ that completely enclose the truss with only one Velcro™ seam, a new convenient system has been developed for hanging truss, and ground-supported arches and cubes.
The TrussCover System™ has been developed with four Velcro™ seams. These seams allow easy access for hanging instruments and pulling cables. The TrussCover
System™ is constructed with four independent sides that are connected with
Velcro™ strips. The top panel of a flown truss can be removed and the front
and back panels are then connected with wide bands. This is to facilitate
cable, rigging, and motors. As the fixtures are focused, the bottom panel
is attached to the front and rear panels using the Velcro™ strips. Custom three-way corner blocks and inline covers are used to completely cover the truss.